PSA (Public Service Announcements)
Cone Health Women’s Heart Health Event (END FEB 07)
The Cone Health Women’s Heart Community Event will take place on Friday, February 7th, from 8am to 1pm, at Union Square, 112 E Lee Street in Greensboro. Register at FREE bus passes are available for this event. Please indicate this need when registering or email
2025 Black Business Expo (END FEB 08)
The Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department will host a day of networking and vendor opportunity for local, small, black-owned businesses at the 2025 Black Business Expo on Saturday, February 8th, from 1-4 pm, at the Lewis Recreational Center, 3110 Forest Lawn Drive in Greensboro. Admission is free. For more information, visit
NANBPWC Free Community Health Fair (END FEB 08)
The NANBPWC Greater Greensboro/Reidsville Club invites you to their free Community Health Fair on Saturday, February 8, from 9:30 am to 4pm, at the back parking lot of the McGirt-Horton Library, in Greensboro. There will be Hearing Screenings, a Mobile Unit for Blood Donations, and a Mammography Mobile Unit. For blood donation appointments, visit Or for questions about Mammogram screenings, call 336-433-5000.
River Zion Baptist Church Leadership Anniversary (END FEB 09)
River Zion Baptist Church will celebrate the 20th Leadership Anniversary of Alvis A. Alston from Thursday February 6th thru Sunday February 9th with special guest speakers, a game night, and a banquet, in addition to music from the River Zion Movement Choir. For details on the various nights’ events, call 336-234-8120.
Jackie Spade GROW Artist Residency (END FEB 10)
Music artist Jackie Spade will be the inaugural GROW Artist Resident for the 2025 season in the Greensboro Cultural Center. During his residency “Ugly Rose: An Immersive Experience,” Spade will create a multi-sensory journey, engaging with the themes of beauty, pain, and personal growth through various events, including a live concert, film screening, and poetry slam. The residency will run from January 14 through February 10. To learn more, visit
Guilford County Schools / Hub4Hope Hiring Event (END FEB 13)
In collaboration with Guilford County Schools, Hub 4 Hope presents their first Hiring Event of the year on Thursday, February 13th, from 11AM to 2PM, at 4321 Barrow Road in High Point. This is for a variety of positions, and as with other job events hosted by Guilford County Schools, on-the-spot hiring will be available. For more information, or to register, call 336-375-3900.
NCMA-WS Presents The Black Opry (END FEB 15)
As part of its Crossroads Concert Series, the North Carolina Museum of Art in Winston Salem is excited to announce it first concert of the year, the Black Opry (featuring Julie Williams, Roberta Lea, and Aaron Vance) with special guest DaShawn Hickman on Saturday, February 15, at 750 Marguerite Drive in Winston Salem. Doors open at 6pm, music starts at 7pm. For artist or ticket information, visit
Nominations for the Live Green Awards (END FEB 17)
The City of Greensboro’s Community Sustainability Council, in partnership with the Office of Sustainability and Resilience, is now accepting nominations for its third annual Live Green Awards Program. The community is encouraged to submit nominations by February 17. For more information or to nominate someone, contact the OSR via email at or call 336-373-2712.
NC A&T Spring Career Fair (END FEB 19)
The North Carolina A&T State University Office of Career Services will host the 2025 Spring Career Fair and Hiring Event on Wednesday, February 19th, from noon to 5pm, in the Student Center, Deese Ballroom, and Alumni Event Foundation Center. This event is for all current North Carolina A&T majors and classifications. To sign up, or for more information, visit and search “2025 spring career fair.”
NC A&T’s Chancellor’s Speaker Series (END FEB 20)
North Carolina A&T State University will welcome award-winning actors Miles Brown, Marsai Martin, and Marcus Scribner for the next edition of the Chancellor’s Speaker Series: “Protecting My Peace,” on Thursday, February 20, at 6pm, in the Harrison Auditorium. The speaker series is free and open to the public. Tickets will be available from February 10th on a first come, first serve basis at the University Ticket Office in Brown Hall.
Holmes Grove Church Soup-per-Bowl Cook-off (END FEB 22)
The Holmes Grove Church United Methodist Men wants to find out who has a champion’s soup or chili at their Soup Per Bowl Cook-off, from Noon – 4 p.m., on Saturday, February 22 at 1100 Alamance Church Road in Greensboro. The contest is open to everyone. For complete details, or to enter, call (336) 987-9111.
Apply for the Lady Cardinal Mentorship Program (END FEB 24)
The application period for the annual Lady Cardinal Mentorship Program is now open through February 24. North Carolina high school girls, grades 9-12, can now apply for this four-week, paid, summer STEM enrichment opportunity. The Lady Cardinal Mentorship Program provides college bound girls an opportunity to explore STEM-based careers within state government. Anyone interested can visit and click on the “I’m looking for” menu.
Prime & Subcontractor Meet and Greet (END FEB 25)
The City of Greensboro’s Minority and Women Business Enterprise office will host the “Building Relationships: Prime and Subcontractor Meet & Greet” from 5:30 to 7:30pm on Tuesday, February 25, at 1502 Barber Park Dr. Refreshments will be provided and admission is free. Registration is required by Tuesday, February 18. To register, visit Or for questions, call 336-373-7980.
Apply for Greensboro IAC Leadership Team (END FEB 25)
The City of Greensboro’s International Advisory Committee seeks applicants for its 2025 Leadership Team Elections in April. Since 2015, Greensboro’s immigrant and refugee communities have selected leaders biennially to guide the IAC’s work. Applicants must be at least 18 years old. For more information, or to apply by the February 25th deadline, visit, or call 336-373-2038.
Taste The Diaspora GSO (END FEB 27)
Learn, eat, and fellowship as the Greensboro Ad-hoc Committee on African American Disparity hosts the 2nd annual Black History Month Mixer, with Taste The Diaspora GSO, on Thursday, February 27th, from 5-7pm, in the African American Atelier in the Cultural Arts Center, 200 N Davie Street. Experience diaspora-themed dishes from local black chefs and farms. For further details or to register, visit
Register for Spring Sports Leagues (END FEB 28)
Registration is now open for 2025 spring sports leagues. The Greensboro Parks and Recreation department offers baseball for youth ages 5-15, and slow pitch softball and kickball for adults. The deadline for baseball is February 16th, and the deadline for softball and kickball is February 28th. Learn more and register at Volunteer to serve as a youth coach at
Community Housing Survey (END MAR 01)
Every five years, Greensboro must conduct a review of community and housing needs to determine how to best use federal grant funds. To assist in determining community needs and priorities, Greensboro residents may take a brief online assessment through March 1. The survey is available in English and Spanish. To take the survey, or to learn more about the department’s plans, visit
Trash Bash (END MAR 01)
The Greensboro Office of Sustainability and Resilience, in partnership with the non-profit Reconsidered Goods, will host the Trash Bash from 6-8pm on Saturday, March 1, at 1200 Textile Dr. This found-art competition is open to anyone ages 14 and up. Competitors may register as an individual, or as a team of 3-5 individuals. Only four teams will compete, so space is limited. To register, visit and search “Trash Bash.”
HPAC DST Steppin’ For A Purpose (END MAR 15)
The Delta Sigma Theta High Point Alumnae Chapter presents the “Steppin’ for a Purpose” step show event on Thursday, March 15, at 410 Unity Street in Thomasville, North Carolina. Doors open at 5pm, and the show starts at 6:13. Proceeds will supports local nonprofits, chapter projects, programs, and scholarships. For ticket information, visit
Small Farms Week at NC A&T (END MAR 29)
Registration is open for this year’s Small Farms Week with the theme of “Next Gen Agriculture” from March 23-29. This annual event sponsored by the Cooperative Extension at North Carolina A&T State University will offer a bevy of forums, tours, and networking opportunities for farmers, agricultural enthusiasts, and the community. For an event schedule, or to register, visit and search “small farms week.”
Tarheel Challenge Academy (END Disc. MAR 30)
Tarheel Challenge Academy is a non-profit, publicly funded, quasi-military academy serving the state of North Carolina to redirect “at-risk” youth towards becoming productive citizens by achieving their high school education and quality character growth. They cater directly to 16-18 year olds who struggle in a public school environment. For photos of current classes, candidate applications, and information on upcoming classes, visit Or call (910) 525-5520.
Warnersville Rec Book Vending Machine (END Disc. MAR 30)
The Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department is celebrating the new book-vending machine at the Warnersville Recreation Center, 601 Doak St. The machine dispenses books for kids and teens from preschool through high school. Kids earn tokens for the machine through participation in programs offered at the center. For complete details, visit
Free Concerts in Greensboro (END MAY 10)
From now through May 10, the city of Greensboro will present free concerts featuring the City’s community music ensembles: The Philharmonia of Greensboro, The Greensboro Big Band, The Choral Society of Greensboro, and The Greensboro Concert Band. Concerts are all free of charge, but donations will be accepted to help sustain the music series. For dates and details, visit
GuilfordWorks Assisting Those Impacted By Recent Layoffs
GuilfordWorks is prepared to support those individuals impacted by a recent layoff in the Community. The NCWorks Career Centers in Guilford and Forsyth counties can provide career and job placement services to those impacted by unemployment or underemployment. For more information on employment, access to training, and other resources, call 336-373-3027.
Medicaid/CHIP Renewal
People enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP should update their contact information and check the mail for a renewal form from their Medicaid agency over the next few months. It is important to complete the renewal form and return it immediately to avoid a loss of coverage, including parents who may be renewing coverage for their children. People who have lost Medicaid or CHIP should visit to see if they are eligible to enroll in a low-cost, quality health plan.
NCBA Senior Community Service Employment Program
Recognizing that income and productivity are key to maintaining the quality of life our seniors deserve, the National Caucus & Center on Black Aging proudly provides employment training and placement services under the Senior Community Service Employment Program. In order to qualify, you must be 55 or older, unemployed, capable of performing part-time training duties, and have a family income that does not exceed 125% of the federal poverty income guidelines. Priority is given to Veterans and their qualified spouses. For further priority criteria, and to learn more about how this program could benefit you, visit Or call program manager Brenda Cogdell at 336-229-6384. Direct line for the NCWorks Greensboro Office is 336-297-9444 ext. 202, and direct line for the NCWorks High Point Training Office is 336-882-4141 ext. 8502.
Free Computer Classes at the Library
Free computer classes are back at the Greensboro Public Library. Classes at the Central Library are offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Several branch locations offer classes as well. Seating is limited, and advance registration is required. To register, call 336-335-5430. Or for complete details, including dates and times, check out the Library’s online calendar by visiting
Progressive Toastmasters
Progressive Toastmasters will be meeting on Tuesdays from 5:45-6:45 pm. This is an opportunity to improve the quality of your presentations, impromptu speaking skills, and of course networking! Everyone is welcome to Toastmasters weekly meetings. For further details or the Zoom registration link, please contact Gail Torres at
Aggies at the Goal Line
The Aggies at the Goal Line program has been helping former North Carolina A&T State University students of all ages complete their degrees. If you never finished your degree, and it’s been at least 2 years since you last attended A&T, contact Aggies at the Goal Line via Many students have been able to obtain their degree in less than one year. Reach out today! Don’t let anything hold you back!
Take Me Home
The Greensboro Police Department will be participating in the “Take Me Home” program. “Take Me Home” is a free program that allows family members and legal guardians to upload critical information for individuals with a cognitive impairment or developmental disability in the event that a registered individual encounters law enforcement or is reported missing. For more information, visit:
Guilford County Schools
Guilford County School’s youth crisis hotline, 336-332-7295, is currently open to students dealing with anxiety, depression, abuse, suicidal thoughts, hunger, or any other form of crisis. For emergency, you should still call 911. Additionally, the GCS general information line, 336-332-7290, can be used Monday through Friday from 8 am – 7 pm.
TRIAD Goodwill Accepts Food Donations
A lot of people don’t know this, but Triad Goodwill accepts food donations and routes them to local food banks. Non-perishable food items are collected in all 23 Donation Centers located in Guilford, Alamance, Randolph, Rockingham and Caswell counties. For more information, call 336-544-5305 or visit
Styrofoam Recycling
While foam and Styrofoam aren’t recyclable in Greensboro’s recycling program, residents and businesses that want to recycle foam may now bring it to 1310 W. Gate City Blvd. Foam dropped off at this location will be made into picture frames and molding in New Jersey. Proceeds from the sale of foam will go back to support Tiny House Community Development’s efforts to reduce homelessness in the Triad. For more info, call 919-622-3303.
Glass Recycling
The City of Greensboro is no longer accepting glass, large plastic items, pots and pans, and shredded paper in its recycling program. Visit for locations you can recycle glass going forward.
Library Makerspace
Greensboro Public Library invites both kids and adults to explore the 3D printers, cameras, audio production equipment, and sewing machines within one of its various Makerspaces. For more info, call 336-335-5430.